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Kasanka National Park

Kasanka National Park: Where the Sky Dances with Bats!

Kasanka National Park is one of the smallest national parks in Zambia, but it’s also home to an incredible biodiversity that makes up for its small size. The main attraction and activity for visiting Kasanka is the annual bat migration. Between November and December, millions and millions of Fruit Bats migrate to this region of Zambia.


  • GAZE at the awe- inspiring spectacle of the largest mammal migration on Earth: Over ten million fruit bats darken the sky in a mind-blowing display of natures grandeur during the November and December. Experience the sweet musky scent of the dense, humid. Air, amplified by the mass arrival of these creatures.
  • DRIFT peacefully down the tranquil luwombwa river. Let the gentle lapping of water against your boat lull you into a state of serene bliss. Soak in the symphony of birdsong from over 400 different bird species, the rivers ambient bubbling sound, and the vivid greens of the surrounding papyrus and reed beds.
  • MARVEL at the view from the fibwe hide, the highest point in the park. With the golden hues of dawn or dusk surrounding you, observe herds of sable and roan antelopes grazing amidst the grassy plains. Feel the cool breeze as it dances over the park, carrying with it the subtle earthy smell of the African Savannah.
  • REVEL in the intimate seclusion of the charmingly rustic lodges and safari tents. Nestled amidst miombo woodland, experience the enveloping quite broken only by nocturnal sounds of the wild.

Why Visit

Kasanka National Park

As a traveler to Kasanka National Park, you will be an individual with an unquenchable thirst for raw and genuine nature experiences, ready to explore the less-trodden paths. You'll be drawn to the park by its abundant biodiversity, including its status as the host of the largest mammal migration on Earth, when millions of straw-colored fruit bats flood the sky

Destination Details For Travellers

The national park

supports a small list of mammal species that one has the chance to spot and photograph, and they include Elephant, Hippo, Sable Antelope, Liechtenstein's Hartebeest, Puku, Sitatunga, Reedbuck, Waterbuck, Sharpe's Grysbok, and the rare Blue Monkey. Predators are very seldom seen in Kasanka.

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Kasanka National Park


Northern province

Embark on an adventure where untamed wilderness meets serene landscapes. Northern Zambia is a hidden gem that beckons every backpacker with a promise of unforgettable experiences.